Translation missing: Janson Wigo
Perhaps the most egregiously understated threat to widespread public health is that of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) on the human hormone system. There’s no way to really measure how common these chemicals are because they’re essentially found in everything from baby products to the clothes on your back.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
Falling sperm counts and changes to sexual development are “threatening human survival” and leading to a fertility crisis. And chemicals like plastic and pesticides are to blame, which are found all sorts of household items, like food, clothing, cooking tools, hair and body products, etc.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
Opok creates clothes that are comfortable and soft, that you can relax in, clothes for chilling out with the people you love, and are free of the nasty chemicals that riddle most clothing options.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
The reason that we started Opok was because we learned that these synthetic materials can be detrimental to our health, let alone devastate our environment. We have heard feedback that people are unaware that polyester, the most widely used material in clothing, can be toxic given that it’s in everything. So we did our research and here are our findings.
Translation missing: Drac Wigo
The world has failed to meet a single target to stem the destruction of wildlife and life-sustaining ecosystems in the last decade, according to a devastating new report from the UN on the state of nature.
Translation missing: B K
We took 2 years exploring different natural and sustainable fabrics to determine which materials we would consider using for our products. We ultimately decided on organic cotton because of its soft texture, the lack of chemicals that go into processing, and the sustainability aspect. Below are some of the materials we evaluated and reasons why we passed on them.