Translation missing: Janson Wigo
Polyester is one of the most commonly used fabrics in the world, found in everything from clothing and bedding to upholstery and outdoor gear. Its durability, affordability, and wrinkle resistance make it a popular choice for manufacturers and consumers alike. However, when it comes to safety, especially for clothing that comes into direct contact with your skin, polyester raises some serious concerns. Here's why polyester is not only toxic but also why it shouldn't be worn on your body, particularly in intimate areas like undergarments.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
Polyester is a synthetic fabric that is made from petroleum. It is a common choice for clothing, including underwear, because it is durable, wrinkle-resistant, and easy to care for. However, polyester is also a non-breathable fabric that can trap heat and moisture. This can create a warm and humid environment that is ideal for the growth of bacteria.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
One of the most personal yet often overlooked clothing items is underwear. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of choosing organic cotton underwear and why it's essential to be aware of the potential toxicity of polyester. By making informed choices, you can contribute to a healthier planet and a happier you.
Translation missing: Janson Wigo
The study, “Contraceptive efficacy of polyester-induced azoospermia in normal men” found that men who wore polyester underwear for 12 months became azoospermic (had no sperm in their semen). The study also found that the men who wore polyester underwear had a lower testicular volume and a higher rectal-testicular temperature difference than men who wore cotton underwear.