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Everyday items cause a build-up of microplastics in the lungs and body

Everyday items cause a build-up of microplastics in the lungs and body

The rise in plastic pollution is widely seen as an environmental emergency, but researchers are beginning to worry the pollutants may harm human cells too. Earlier this year, the toxins were discovered in human blood samples for the first time. According to one study, humans could be inhaling the contents from clothes, tires and city dust.

The study was published in Science of the Total Environment discovered microplastics lodged in all parts of the lung, including the lower lung. The research, which looked at lung tissue collected from patients during routine medical care, has raised concerns over the ubiquity of plastic pollution and the consequences it may ensue. Researchers identified 12 types of plastic, which included polypropylene and polyethene, as well as terephthalate and resin.These plastics are typically found in packaging, bottles, clothing, rope and twine manufacturing.

The most dangerous sources of the microplastics found in the lungs include city dust, textiles, and tires. Doctor Wassermann stated that “In my medical experience, ingestion of microplastics results in inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage.” Damage to lung tissue could eventually lead to cancer and other sever medical issues. What's more, several other studies have demonstrated the potentiality of metabolic disturbances, neurotoxicity and increased cancer risk in humans exposed to the pollutants. He went on to say that “If these plastics inhalation of microplastics is sufficiently high, these plastic particles may cause similar health problems,” explains the health body.

In a previous blog post, we covered how when clothing is washed, they product lint. When it comes to synthetic materials, the lint is technically microplastic fibers that are put into the environment. So when someone is doing laundry and they pull out the lint collector, they are inhaling microplastics, which is terrifying. 

This goes back to our core mission. Humans aren’t supposed to be interacting with plastics at the level that we are. More importantly, it’s not healthy for us to be in contact with these materials on a regular basis, like clothing. That’s why we offer premium clothing made from organic materials and dyes.